How To Make Your A/C System More Allergy-friendly
November 8, 2017
Your air conditioner is an essential part of your home. It helps to keep your home running and cool through the prolonged summer heat. However, some people think that in order to stay cool, they also have to suffer from the allergy symptoms that come as a consequence. Many allergy sufferers claim that their air conditioners tend to make their allergies worse. Typically, your allergies get worse because your A/C unit is re-circulating dust and other pollutants that accumulate throughout your home. Using your A/C unit shouldn’t mean that you have to suffer from allergies. Here are some ways to make your A/C system more allergy-friendly.
Keep Up with Servicing and Maintenance
For most of the country, going without air conditioning is not an option. Getting your air conditioner serviced regularly helps ensure that no allergens make their way into your home. Making sure your air conditioner unit is regularly maintained is essential. Doing so helps to minimize the dust and allergen particles trapped in your A/C filter. As a result, they are no longer recycled throughout the house causing your allergies to worsen.
Remove Debris
Your outdoor A/C unit pulls air directly from outside through your HVAC system and circulates that air throughout your home. For this reason, you want to remove any dust and debris, by clearing away the area around your air conditioning unit as often as possible. This action helps to keep the air being pulled into your home, clean and free of dust or debris. You should never ignore your indoor unit either. Dirt and debris that surround your indoor unit also end up circulating throughout your home, heightening your allergy symptoms. Keep the areas around both outdoor and inside A/C units clear of debris to help make your A/C system more allergy-friendly.
Check for Mold
Mold tends to thrive in humid and moist environments. Unfortunately, air conditioning units often provide the perfect atmosphere for mold to grow and spread. For this reason, it’s vital to inspect various parts of your unit. For instance, thoroughly check the ducts, condensation pan and drain, evaporator coils, and air handler every few weeks for signs of mold. This step helps prevent the spread of allergens. While mold spores themselves don’t cause allergies, when left unchecked, they often cause severe sickness and sometimes even death. If you do find mold in your unit, make sure you take care of it immediately. You don’t want it to become a more significant issue than just causing allergies.
Dust Registers and Return Vents
While most people dust their homes often, many homeowners forget to clean their registers and return vents. These vents circulate all the air through your home. In turn, when they are left dusty the air in your home will be dirty as well. Make sure you regularly dust your registers and vents. It’s a simple way to help reduce allergies caused by your air conditioning system.
Keeping cool doesn’t mean that you have to suffer from allergies. Make your A/C unit allergy-friendly by providing regular service and maintenance. Remember to remove debris from around your A/C unit and check for mold. You also want to dust your registers and return vents regularly. By following these tips, you can help make your A/C unit more allergy-friendly. If you need a qualified, licensed HVAC professional to check your air conditioning unit or if you have any other HVAC related questions or service needs, contact Great Dane Heating & Air, at (866) 488-3263.
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