Ductless Mini Splits for Comfortable and Healthy Living

Ductless Mini Splits for Comfortable and Healthy Living

April 30, 2024
Ductless Mini Splits for Comfortable and Healthy Living. African american relaxed woman sitting on comfortable couch in living room at modern home holds air conditioner remote control enjoying breathing fresh cool air at summer or warm air at winter season.

Fortunately, ductless mini splits can provide all the essentials for home comfort—warm air, cool air, ventilation, and humidity control. Plus, they’re much more efficient than a standard air conditioner and furnace combination.

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Go Ductless Today

December 29, 2023
Young woman adjusts the temperature of the air conditioner using the remote control in room at home.

Ductless heating and cooling systems, or mini splits, consist of an outdoor compressor and one or more indoor air handling units.

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Why Ductless Is the Way to Go

April 13, 2023
Image of a ductless system. Why Ductless Is the Way to Go.

A ductless system, or mini split, adds comfort to your home without the hassle of having to extend your ductwork.

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How to Maintain Your Ductless AC

June 13, 2022
Close up of ductless mini split mounted to wall.

Here in Michigan, experts predict this summer will be warmer than usual. Make sure your ductless mini split has the maintenance it needs to power through 90°F days. 

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