Ductless heating and cooling systems, or mini splits, consist of an outdoor compressor and one or more indoor air handling units.
Continue ReadingWhen adding on to your home or converting a room to a living area, a ductless system could be your best option.
Continue ReadingOur team at Great Dane Heating & Air Conditioning could help you save big bucks on your monthly utility bill by performing a furnace replacement.
Continue ReadingWith the flu and cold season in full force here in Michigan, our entire team at Great Dane Heating, Cooling, Electrical, & Plumbing wants to help you create a healthy home for yourself and your loved ones to enjoy—including your pets!
Continue ReadingRegularly scheduled maintenance can help you catch symptoms of bigger problems before they become an issue for your business.
Continue ReadingOn a frosty winter’s day here in Michigan, your gas furnace is hard at work, keeping your Sterling Heights home warm and cozy.
Continue ReadingAn HVAC maintenance plan offers you peace of mind. It provides you with a professional team to watch over your heating and cooling systems year-round.
Continue ReadingClose your blinds on sun-facing windows during the day to keep the sun from heating up your home and causing your AC to use more energy.
Continue ReadingFall is a beautiful time of the year—but it comes with a drop in humidity levels. If you’re concerned about the humidity change and want to enhance your comfort inside your Sterling Heights home, installing a humidifier is an excellent option.
Continue ReadingIf you are considering radiant floor heat, now is the time to put your dreams into action. With radiant floor heat in place this winter, your bare feet will never have to touch an icy-cold floor again.
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Contact the experts at Great Dane Heating, Cooling, Electrical, & Plumbing.